Jakob var den kreative hjerne bag én af de mest succesfulde kampagner i Red Barnet i nyere tid. Konceptuelt, narrativt og kreativt stærkt tilrettelagt og eksekveret. Innovativt og bevægende. Er et glimrende eksempel på, hvad jeg som kunde har erfaret, at Jakob bringer til bordet af både vid og bid.
Jonas Keiding Lindholm, Secretary General at Save the Children Denmark / Red Barnet
There's one consistent quality that I associate with working with Jakob; he would always listen and hear you out! It's such a rare thing when dealing with the enigma that is the species of Creative Directors, but every project we worked on, he was prepared to listen. [...] Can't wait to work with him again! A top guy!
Rob Scotland, Director of Consumer Insight - Global Marketing at PANDORA A/S
Man får ikke altid, hvad man beder om hos Jakob. Det er ikke fordi, han ikke kan læse et brief! Han kan bare så godt lide at udfordre. For selv om noget er virkelig godt, så betyder det for Jakob ikke, at det ikke kan blive endnu bedre. Jeg har arbejdet sammen med ham ad flere omgange via jobs hos KRAFT Foods/Mondelez og Carlsberg. Og der er jo en grund til, at man vender tilbage
Christina Földes, Brand Manager, Carlsberg Beer at Carlsberg Denmark
Jakob indeed has a very creative mind and always manages to extract an actionable insight from a brief and then turn it into creative gold. He's proven this time and again when I worked as his counterpart on the client side. But what I appreciated the most is his passion for the work he and his team develop. I think that's a key skill: not immediately buckling down in front of a testing client but to clearly, concisely and with pride show the reasons why the creative is fresh, business-relevant and on point.
Thomas Baer, Director Strategic Planning, Vitam 2 AG